Sunday 25 December 2011

Some day we will Fly across the Painted Sky

Some day in blazing fury, we will fly across the painted sky
and we will find tomorrow.
Sitting innocent under the blood-stained sun,
we will watch and absorb the hatred that has followed us for a century.
Seeping through the weight of a lifetime, misery and truth,
we will learn what it means to lose everything.

And without the ones we love,
without the things we need,
could we be happy?
Or would it just be one big Holiday?

No matter, really,
the presence of your presents will keep me company.
And I will see a beautiful sunset,
one which we can hold our hands at-
one which our hearts will remember forever.
And we will stay there, talking about the things that never last.

Then because you are near, I will see clearly.
Burned so hot from the rising sun my eyes will glaze as glass,
I'll see past everything immaterial, and the sun will be my mirror.
I will look back at us standing there,
and my hand in yours will keep you warm.
... Only if you'd have me.

But if my glass eyes are too ugly for your sight,
plastic hips too frail for your exuberant youth,
or my thin fingers too unsightful for your beautiful hand,
then I will leave you. And you won't have to send me away.
But I can't say I won't love you anymore.

Because my blind eyes will paint you a beautiful skyline,
my disabled hips will carry you miles,
and those skeletal fingers will bear a ring under your name.
Till death do us part, they said.
And we disagreed on our definitions of death.
You killed our relationship and left me,
But as long as I still have breath I'll find strength from within me.
I'm that crazy for you.

Thursday 22 December 2011

Every opportunity once in a Lifetime

Today is the day that I sold my life away,
took every penny I dropped and told it to stay,
I had not a single care, not a single worry,
but the insignificant details really built up a story,
I was the control group of a mediocre experiment,
ruled and governed by no one in particular,
it is a fate, a destiny, a life of ruin,
I am the one who lost all purpose.

We took steps to ensure our safety,
we justified loss with reason,
we never mistook passion as logical thinking-
we were in  love.
Instead we fell stories and stooped low on branches,
we hung upside down in each other's arms and stood upon each other's shoulders,
we climbed cliffs and crumbled mountains,
we were the hidden valleys of happiness.

No longer did we stand upon the shoulders of giants,
we grew trees that portrayed our legacies.
The mistake was thinking we had made something of ourselves,
for we were nobody special,
we were lost causes with hopes and dreams,
ready to crumble at the slightest pressure.

You were my iron cross,
my maiden, my beacon,
But it all fell down when the roof gave way below our feet.
And we fell down, down, down.
Into the blackness of our revered past, 
Taking shadow as light and learning to see in the dark,
We became blind to our mistakes and our misfortunes,
we learned to love that which we did not have.

But not you, only me.
There was no we,
for I was something you did not mention,
Instead it was me mentioning you.

I loved you.
And while I held you up, you reached for greatness.
But when I was falling down you did not hold out your hand.
And that's how you lost me.
Or maybe you just gave me up for something better.
You had moved on to a higher ground, and I was bleeding from my open wounds.
They called it love.
I called it a beautiful malice. 
... Or at least that's what I call her.

Sunday 18 December 2011

Not particularly well-versed

You smiled at me and you really eased the pain,
But now every time you do I kind of just want to run away.

I was taught to never give up,
to hold onto family, friends, and love,
but these holes puncture my paper heart like cutting with a razer blade,
Full of anxiety and something as simple as itself.

I've run into barbed wire pulling me back from the waves of unending pain,
You've got the chain that shackles through dark cloud and drains away everything but grey.

We stood then upon the top of an oblivion but
you took the back route to a world without rule and reason.
I am here, waiting for you, to climb back up and enjoy the view.

Too little too late,
I never really told you.
But it didn't matter, did it? That a name is just a name and a title is just a title,
we thought living our lives was more important than the perceptions of others.

Yet you let me go,
without a real chance to begin with-
A little piece into the storm of a drug filled world where depression sells itself off the shelf.

And you don't really want me back, do you?
It is why you ignore me, no?
I am just another memory tossed into the wind,
like the empty cowards you once faced,
you've chiseled me another scar inside of me leaving me a lot of room to grow.

So you are now alone,
go take it away and stop pushing me away,
because I'll walk alone and you don't have to lead me,
I have two feet which you just so happened to have left me,
I can walk away, but I'd rather run;
it was a choice to stay, not something I'd do regardless of the pain:
And now the inspiration really drains from my soul,
it's the realization that has come and hit me here at home,
it's the simple phrase that says so much, yeah;

// We Are All Alone.

Friday 16 December 2011

Confined by the wills of our Oppressors

We are taught never to give up,
treating the world as a playing field for our hopes and dreams,
trading them like pokemon cards to the best bidder.

We are given hope in the form of everlasting friendship
but only after we've sold our souls to the ones we love,
do we fall into the hands of malice and jealousy.

We are sold like candles in a wax factory,
molded the same and sculpted with purpose,
and only after we have matured, are we sold to work for others.

We are the living dead in a barren wasteland,
finding shelter in the trenches of dead desire.

-And then it is all taken away.

We are punished by people who think they're doing us good,
who think a lesson is being learned.
And it is all for naught.
Dreams crushed like the butts of cigarettes under the boots of those who wish to do us no harm.
Confined by the wills of our oppressors,
we are forced to break bonds that should never be broken,
and friendships are lost to the dark voids of our once beating hearts.
The tears that we shed are the streams of our regret,
clearing away the ash and soot of our blackened memories.

And how we hate with vindictive fury,
the spoils of our passion.
We wish the world was set back to stone,
where simple was all that we had known.

At least that's what I wish sometimes,
when in my life there is nothing left but blackness.

Thursday 15 December 2011

What an inspiration

This blug has taught me one thing, really.

It can be cool to do something you enjoy doing, and you can find people who think you're cool for it too.

I wonder if poetry is a profitable road to go down... but I'd better not get my hopes up.

Instead, I'll spend the days writing and writing for some very beautiful people, in the hopes that they might think I'm cool like they are.

Basement writer - Up up and away! *Dons handcrafted costume*

Wednesday 14 December 2011

You are the Melody

My concrete heart is breathing,
shadows spread their wings,
here to rescue you.

Stay alive,
And I will follow.

Cause Fire will all come racing through,
cover up with the smile that hurts you;
Let's just burn and they'll grace both me and You.

Stay alive,
So I can apologize.

The winds of fate that drew our first breaths,
altered the bridge upon which we stood,
Pulling is deeper into the staircase of our broken memories.

Stay alive,
So that I won't have to go.

Saturday 10 December 2011

Tonight I'm longing for daylight

Wondering if you were ever coming around,
I stood by myself on hallowed ground.

My hope was fading as the moon faded to black,
It was too late in the night for me to go back.

Things were set in stone and left to waste,
my dreams so dearly misplaced.

Looking for every beautiful thing we could see,
wondering why some things just could not be.

Tonight I'm longing for daylight,
waiting for moonshine to give me sight.

Thursday 1 December 2011

The wasted while that is engraved in gold

I don't spend too much crying over spilled milk,
but the things that I've once done spread tears to my heart.

This is cold,
this is painful.

I done goofed,
I made a mistake.