Sunday 25 September 2011

The sensation that you're screaming but you never make a Sound

My heart is questioning, who is she?
My mind is saying, "Why let go?..."
The words I thought, the world will never know,
so why am I trying so hard to go-

Sunday 18 September 2011

The sky is getting Dark.

I'm trying to find Me
but I missed the last train going to nowhere-

As the sky gets dark and the thunder blares
I'm not scared; But I knew it always frightened You.

Why am I so bothered that I did what I had to do?
Wasn't that always my motto?
.. Or did you change Me ?

Monday 12 September 2011

Catching Up

My past mistakes are catching up with me,
I've nowhere else to run.

Perhaps I should have known this was coming,
I suppose I've had my fun.

The chances of me avoiding this are actually really slim,
looks like I'll just have to tough it out and fill all of the little blanks in.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

This Day

Each and every day I grow older.
As the years pass, I feel older.
How do I know?
I have less energy,
I gain more responsibility,
I'm allowed to have less fun.

I wish I were a kid again.