Sunday, 23 October 2011

This simple thing.

We're living everyday with not a thought in the world.
Not wondering what we do not know,
because of how afraid that would make us.

We stare across the sea of thoughts,
looking into our hearts,
wanting to see each other cry.

Our happiness is just an illusion caused by the world,
giving the impression of free thought, and free will.
We all realize one day, that the world doesn't spin,
we learn that when we die, we learn that when we finally stop running around in circles.

I never considered the little things in life,
because you never cared for my ideas, and you were my wife.

I wanted my life to have a happy ending,
and instead I learned to cherish every moment,
because death comes so suddenly,
because sometimes you just want to die.

The drinks help you swallow the lies,
the ones they feed to kill you inside.
Your tears are measured in days, not weeks,
in hours, not days,
because when you cry you grow young again-
You see the world as a big open space,
somewhere you'll never see your place in.

If I stood at the top and fell to the bottom,
who would catch me there?
Would he have a bottle filled with my favourite tunes,
would she sing me a happy song?
Pouring out wisdom, not strength,
would she carry me back to the top,
would he give me extend his broken arm?

I am not a man of wise words.
I haven't spent enough time in darkness to see the light,
but I have eaten the fruit of wisdom,
so now I understand how the world is full of blight.

If I forget the little things,
the little people,
who am I?

I'll be gone,
You'll be away,
We'll be stuck far from each other,
Simply wasting away.

Two seas stretch as far as an ocean,
It's all the same when
a boat has four seats.
Who do you take with you on your journey?
Do you decide on your deathbed?

A moan is a sign of weakness,
a cry is a shout for help-
A thought is nothing but an act of defiance,
and my heart is nothing but a broken dream.

What's a genius without his idea,
what more can you take away;
aren't we all just people,
waiting for that one day?...
... when the little things no longer matter,
and every man is equal.

Until then we'll all stand by,
crossing our fingers, watching the sky,
looking down at the earth and wondering why,
nobody understands us deep down inside.

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