Saturday, 8 June 2013

Push comes to shove

Doesn't it only matter if you're standing at the edge of a cliff?

Because risk should encourage reward,
If not complete then the process of being completed.
And when we have everything to lose,
With nothing to gain,
Aren't we most motivated?

If you said no,
You have faith in the system.
But when push comes to shove,
What does it matter.
Isn't it all the same,
If we're biting each other's heels,
Trying to climb to the top of the hill in the valley,
What system do we have to fall back upon,
Except the failures of those who tried before us.

And although I'm shoving my way through the crowd,
I've reached a conclusion.
Except I've forgotten it already.
Because I'm lighthearted, with a fools head up on my shoulders.
So who said we can't enjoy the good things,
In a broken system?

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