Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Promises are made but not made to keep

For the sake of saying we did,
When really meaning we could.

Beautiful secrets we've told one another,
Even if they're lies,
We feel closer.

And close is as good as we'll ever get,
When we look back at it.


The lines running down our backs,
Cutting us in two,
Despite always trying to fit in,
Showing our true colours,
Even if we walk around blind half the time.

These complications lead to
Extreme discrimination,
Of each generation,

Such ridicule,

Monday, 10 March 2014


Sunk low,
In a trench that you have difficulty pulling yourself out of,
Feeling down about whatever, whenever,
Wondering what it is you're doing,
And how you'll be doing it.

You sing sad songs,
You carry yourself along,
Cold feelings follow you wherever you go.
Maybe your tunes have something to do with it.