Thursday, 22 March 2012

Arrested by our handsome faces-

We have dreams about these girls  we know,
but when we woke up we realized that those dreams were true.

Now I'm not trying to cause any trouble but
to be that guy that I am around my friends and to be the guy who'll make her proud...
She's just your girl, not mine.
And I step back into line,
listening to what I should have said the first time;
the words sound better from out of your mouth,
instead of mine.

But when she's looking at you,
I see her glancing at me,
and instead she's dancing with you-
Is this what feels good to her now?
Or is it just because she's your girl?

I know she could have been mine,
had I not wished otherwise.
Since one of us,
had to be the better man,
I let it be you who won the lady,
does this make me a knight?
... For simply giving you your girl?

I should probably think higher of myself,
instead of wanting but not deserving,
because maybe she isn't your girl...
... but mine?

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

I think to be someone great would be fun

I don't know what you think while you're sleeping...
but I hope that soon I'll dream of you.

I do hope. I want to be with you.

Your heart's a house,
abandoned and reoccupied.
I wish it never hurt to tell you that I want you by my side.

I don't know what it feels like when you die...
I hope that soon I'll dream with you. To be taken away in a fake reality,

Life's like a house,

    All that I asked for was a little bit of your heart,
    I gave you my love and you tore it apart.

I know your back... I always see you there.
The consequence of being fair-
Shying away doesn't let me live... I wish I could set things right,
Do you still stand out of the light?

Here and there... It seems unfair.
You seemed to be something,
that you think to me,
someone hard to forgive.

Were we not made to live?
Is it so hard to believe?
How much do I try to set things right.... I'll have you.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Love is that which enables choice

It gives you the freedom to be your own downfall,
to be the creator of worlds,
your own path or destiny.

I love her so.

Monday, 5 March 2012

I feel like I'm part of the resistance

I wish instead that I were a part of the release,
I want you to die so that I can be free.

I hadn't understood before what it meant to be happy,
now I do.
When they said that one couldn't exist without the other suffering an unjust truth,
I didn't think you meant me.
But now that I'm more understanding,
can't you set me free?
Give me the key,
and I will bury you.
Give me a candle and I will put you back in the darkness where you belong.

THIS, is suffering.
My screaming at the top of my lungs and you not hearing,
because you're too busy screaming your own obscenities in the middle of the night.
THIS is my guilt,
where I have to regret each morning not having killed you the night before.
And oh,
how easy it would have been.
To slit your throat or your wrist,
To slip a pill in your drink,
To watch you waste away and die right before my eyes.
I would kill you,
if not for the miserable defeat I would endure afterward,
at the hands of a masked swordsman;
unknowingly walking to my own death,
only to be freed for my good deed on the world.

This is a horrible mess,
and I wish I wasn't a part of it.